For a single person with their household, keeping things tidy is easier than for a young family with two or three children. If only the mother or father keeps things tidy here, frustration quickly develops. So that tidying up works in the long term and everyone involved benefits from it, everyone in the household should participate. Even the youngest can help with this. It is vital that everyone is involved and that they complete tasks that correspond to their abilities. Tidying up shouldn’t be a punishment; it should be part of the daily routine. Age-appropriate cleanup work can look like this, for example:
Kindergarten Children: after playing and before dinner, pick up all toys from the floor and put them in the play box.
Primary School Children: Every day after homework, tidy the desk and books and prepare the school bag for the coming school day together with a parent. Put away toys in the evening and put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Layout clothes for the next day.
Older Children: In addition to tidying up your room, there are now also household chores. From the fifth grade onwards, children can help wash up, load, unload the dishwasher, set the table, vacuum, and take out the garbage.
Teenagers: With increasing age, the responsibility for a well-functioning coexistence in the common household increases. This also applies to teenagers. They help with cleaning and cooking around the house, take on smaller purchases or garden maintenance tasks. Typical tidying up tasks for teenagers include, for example, cleaning the bathroom and toilet, regularly changing towels, washing clothes, ironing, tidying up the kitchen, taking out the rubbish and taking care of its removal according to the waste calendar, mowing the lawn, watering flowers.
If each family member has their area of responsibility and is responsible for fulfilling it, the apartment is consistently tidy. Of course, one or the other can be left lying around, but disorder should be the exception and not the rule. In this way, children learn early that tidying up is a routine and later on, running their household is much easier. Placing a doormat which can be gotten in Floor mats Shop can help wade off dust.
Happiness Loves Order
Studies and personal experiences in everyday life show that order makes you feel good. Anyone who starts early as a child to see tidying up as a regular part of everyday life is doing something for family peace and ensures a happier life in the long term with less chaos in cupboards and drawers. Reading the book “Disgusting good mood”, one of the recognized happiness researchers promises even more happiness.