How do you find the right tool hire company to rent equipment from? Well, it’s important to know what you can expect to find from each one. The best way to do this is to consider your project and the different types of equipment you will need to complete it; compare that list with the available tools at each tool hire service, and you’ll be able to select the right one for your needs. Looking for tool hire in Bangor but not sure what you will find? Here are some common pieces of equipment you can expect to find from different tool hire services…
Assorted Hand Tools
Tool rental services are usually a good place to start when you need assorted hand tools, as it’s a cheap and convenient way of getting access to large quantities of different kinds of tool. One thing that will affect your choice of equipment is whether you need high-quality or low-cost; if it’s inexpensive hand tools you’re after, then a tool hire service will likely have exactly what you need.
Power Tools
A good tool hire service will have a range of power tools available for hire, as these are essential in pretty much any type of construction project. Tool hire prices vary depending on size and quality, but you should expect them to be competitive with DIY store prices. When choosing which tool hire shop to use, look at factors such as experience (how long they’ve been trading), customer reviews and online presence.
Plant & Machinery
Even if you’re just a casual DIYer or someone with modest needs, plant and machinery hire can be a cost-effective option. Rental companies tend to have access to all kinds of tools, meaning you could end up being able to rent everything you need in one place. Many also offer tool hire prices that are considerably lower than retail prices. Most of them will do collection and delivery, too!
Pallet Trucks, Forklifts and other Lifting Systems
One of your best tools for moving bulky materials is likely a forklift—or a pallet truck. These tools typically come from large, commercial warehouses or plants that have their own machinery. A regular tool hire shop isn’t going to have these kinds of heavy-duty tools on hand, but they do rent out equipment like lifting slings and hooks designed for handling those heavy items safely.
Wheelbarrows & Material Handling Products
Whether you’re looking for a simple wheelbarrow or a more complex material handling product, tool hire services provide useful equipment for all your garden and construction needs. For smaller projects like gardening, some tool hire services might have simple tools like wheelbarrows and shovels available. For larger construction or building projects, you might find forklifts, dump trucks and cranes. It is recommended to hire these types of large-scale materials-handling products only if you have hired experienced operators to use them.
Concrete Products
One of your best bets for concrete products is often a tool rental or plant hire company. As well as renting out everything you’ll need to pour and finish your own concrete, they can rent you equipment that can help when it comes time to install that gorgeous new floor. Heavy duty paving slabs are just one of many tools these companies offer. A variety of attachments allow them to handle any kind of tiling or laying situation.