Most drivers will respect this speed limit, knowing that if they go faster and a clueless child runs off at that speed, they have time to react, brake, and ultimately stop the vehicle without hitting the child even when it had crossed improperly. And if it couldn’t be avoided, unless the speed of the run over was so low that the injuries were minimal.
However, almost 42% of the deaths from being hit by cars occur outside the town due to the higher speed.
However, there are a small fraction of drivers who will not respect it, for whatever reasons: distraction, moving in a hurry or nervousness, or the worst case, because these drivers show a defect of common sense and responsibility, and they are not able to see the danger of improper speed or because they believe that they are a better driver than anyone else and that it will never happen to them.
Because of this minority, due to the failure of fundamental road education, administrations have to take decisive measures to control speed, such as portable speed bumps, which all drivers must suffer, paying just for sinners.
The projections provide advantages, but the disadvantages should not be forgotten.
This is why in the last 15 years, speed bumps have spread everywhere and in any way, even sometimes due to excessive zeal, sometimes reaching situations that may be exaggerated.
Finally, all projections for speed reduction must have signage horizontal, with road markings white, paint non – slip if it is an elevated pedestrian crossing and triangles on-ramps, vertical signage, and night lighting (maybe by the reinforcement of street lighting in that area) to guarantee its visibility, location, and to be able to see the presence of pedestrians in its case.