Bathroom renovations Athens GA can be a large, costly and complex project. When planning bathroom renovations, there are many things to consider such as the style or type of bathroom you want, where you want the bathroom to go in the house and how much space there is in your home or apartment.
Master Bathroom and Guest Bathroom
The first thing to do when thinking about Bathroom renovations Athens GA is to decide if it is for a master bathroom or guest bathroom. If it is a master bathroom, then it needs to be the main focus of the renovation. You will also need some basic amenities with this bathroom, such as:
- A bathtub,
- Shower,
- Toilet,
- Vanity, and maybe
- A walk in closet
These are the essentials for a master bathroom, along with other major amenities you may need.
While these essentials are most important in a master bathroom, they don’t necessarily have to be included in a guest bath. The guest bath can be the last stop on your list of necessary amenities in a Bathroom renovations Athens GA project. A guest bath is very different from a master bath. It is used for the guests of the family, not the members of the family visiting for the holidays. This is because the guests of the family are usually a family member’s children, nieces, or nephews.
Typically all these people will be staying overnight at the house. In this case, the guest bath is the bathroom for the little ones. To make this distinction clear, it is important to know that the guests will most likely be at the house for a few weeks and not just for one day. They might just be staying for the whole Thanksgiving week. This does not mean you cannot use a guest bath for another guest. It can just be used for guests of that day, and maybe different guests. However, it is important to know who is going to be staying with us while you will be renovating the bathroom.
You can also contact local businesses and ask if they have any remodeling or maintenance services that they could offer. This is necessary, because when you hire someone with plenty of experience, you can get the right advice and guidance. It can also help make sure that the whole Bathroom renovations Athens GA project goes smoothly for you.