Couples may showcase their own personalities and preferences by combining and mixing different wedding rental styles. You may design an aesthetically spectacular event that tells your narrative by fusing several styles, including contemporary and old. Finding harmony in difference is crucial because combining aspects that may seem unrelated at first can produce unexpectedly coherent outcomes. Determine the primary concepts that most appeal to you first, then utilize them as a starting point to inform your choices.
Select a Palette of Colors
Having a clear color scheme is crucial when combining different rental types. It offers a unified structure that makes sure disparate components blend in harmony with one another. For instance, use a color scheme that blends muted pastels with striking modern colors if you’re combining modern and antique objects. You may keep the décor cohesive from table settings to flower arrangements by using this method. Don’t forget to experiment with color combinations and see how each component works together before making your final decisions. Choosing the event rentals st george utah is essential.
Emphasize Important Rental Items
If you want to create a distinctive wedding aesthetic, think about adding attention-grabbing rental items that provoke discussion. If you choose contemporary furniture, make a striking contrast by combining it with antique glassware or vintage dinnerware. Showcase an eye-catching contemporary centerpiece instead of matching elaborate old candelabras. This tactic keeps the setting visually engaging while highlighting the varied character of your design. To improve the overall look, think about combining different textures, such as rustic wood tables with sleek, silky table linens.
Decorate With Care: Layer
Layering is crucial for adding depth and interest when merging styles. Combine several rental types to create a visually engaging experience. For instance, add mismatched antique chairs and old lace runners to a clean, contemporary wedding table. Present a modern cake on a rustic, upcycled wooden table in the dessert section. In addition to giving the impression that your décor is multi-dimensional, this layering strategy lets each style stand out on its own while yet balancing out the others.
Use Style to Tell Your Story
The designs you choose for your wedding may tell the story of your journey together, which is what your wedding should be. Consider more than just appearances: what do you and your partner value from the selected looks? Maybe you two met at a café with a retro vibe, or you just like the clean, contemporary lines. Add a personal touch to your rental selections to make them more meaningful. By using this method, you can create a very realistic décor that will let your guests feel as like they are part of your love story via your wedding design.